Showing posts with label Kansas City Voter Turnout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kansas City Voter Turnout. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Voter Turnout Predictably Low

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Two things are almost a given during election season: a large amount of obnoxious political ads and a scarce voter turnout. The past elections in both Kansas and Missouri were no different, with an estimated range of 19-24 percent being reported from both states.

Kansas City registered even lower, with a reported 10% in the city area south of the river and anywhere from 13-20 percent in suburban areas on the Missouri side. Other areas near Kansas City registered similarly low numbers.

Voting numbers have been something that have always fascinated me, as so many Kansas City residents hold strong political and economic opinions that are voiced through traditional and non-traditional mediums across the area, yet many do not bother to vote. With mail-in ballots easily available, it is easier than ever to make your opinion count. Perhaps candidates are not reaching out to prospective voters properly, or the public has become apathetic from the overwhelming amounts of signs, billboards and television ads during election time, but it appears that low voter turnouts have become normal for both the Kansas City area and the nation as a whole.


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