
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Deer Feeding in Winter - What to Feed Deer

Tips on Feeding Deer in the Winter
by Kansas City News

As the bitter cold winter months approach here in good old Kansas City, some of us start thinking about giving our furry friends who live outside a helping hand. Most will at least put out some bird food to be enjoyed by both birds and squirrels alike, and if you're like us and have your own "pet" deer roaming about in your yard, you might like some ideas on how to feed them as well. First and foremost, be aware that deer feeding is not recommended by wildlife authorities.  Experts claim that feeding deer on your property creates an unnatural environment for them and could also contribute to the spreading of Chronic Wasting Disease, which has been found to be fatal for deer in both Missouri and Kansas.

Our neighborhood is very secluded and the deer in our area are pretty much tame deer who are very used to all of us and they have made our backyards their home.  They don't just wander through, like most deer that you will see on your property - so since they are our "pet" deer, we feel that it's ok to feed them :)

Attention:  Deer cannot digest whole kernel or "deer corn".  Even though it is called "deer corn" it is NOT good for the deer, or at least the deer cannot digest it and gain any nutritional value from it.  They probably don't get as much of a kick out of having corn in their poo as much as we humans do.  However, that's exactly what whole kernel deer corn does, it passes straight through with no benefit to the deer.  In order to properly provide nutrients for the deer you must use CRACKED corn.  Here is a nice recipe for deer food:

The mixture that we use is a very simple mix of Cracked Corn and Apple Flavored Deer Protein Pellets.  The Cracked Corn we purchase at Waldo Grain and Feed on Wornall Road and the Apple Flavored Deer Protein Pellets we order online - or if you like to go to stores for idiots you can visit your local redneck BassPro store and buy it there - be sure and put on your camouflage hat with a fishing hook so that you'll fit in.  We made a homemade feeder by attaching a plastic oil catcher on to the top of a saw horse, but you could use any type of elevated bowl or container.  It's usually best to get it up off the ground, but low enough so that the baby deer can still reach it.  Our deer pretty much eat the entire bowl within about 2 days time, and if you're lucky enough to get a traveling group of  male deer to come through, they will eat a full bowl in about 5 minutes.

Most of the deer that you will see around your property will be female deer.  The females are much more outgoing and don't seem to mind being around humans.  Male deer are very exciting to watch, but are much more rare and they are extremely cautious and afraid of humans.  The male deer, like the female deer, travel in small groups of 3 - 8.  The female deer will tend to be casual about dining, hang around for a while, return more than once to feed, etc.  The male deer will most likely come through in a group, get to eating, and then get to moving on.  Sometimes the male deer will engage in a head butting contest to see who gets to eat first - this is great entertainment.  Males also use this same head butting technique to shove along the younger male deer in the pack when it's time to move on.  Note:  If your deer feeding area is in a closed area (fence, corner, etc.) DO NOT attempt to approach the male deer - the large ones can and will kick your ass.  Male deer, when cornered will raise up on their hind legs and beat the crap out of you.  Female deer actually use the same fighting technique but are much less likely to attack humans.

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