
Friday, March 18, 2011

St Patrick's Day DUI Checkpoint in Kansas City Yields Arrests

According to the Kansas City Police Department's website, Alcohol is related to 63% of the city's traffic deaths in 2010. While that figure is alarming, it might be more alarming that the other 37% of the time everyone involved was sober - that just goes to show that people can't drive whether they have been drinking or not. But seriously, the KCMO Police has a new weapon in the battle against the drunken driver. The new mobile DWI enforcement center was unveiled this week, and what better way to christen their new toy than with a St Paddy's Day Party on Southwest Trafficway!

The state of the art vehicle was paid for with a US Government grant. The cost was nearly $400,000. The previous command post was a modified RV that was nearly a quarter century old. Up to five suspects can be processed at one time, breath tests administered, and computer links to Police Headquarters.

Police made 41 arrests in their Westport checkpoint on Thursday night. More than 800 vehicles were stopped. One arrest was made for assault on a Police Officer, three for possession of marijuana, and numerous persons arrested on various warrants. Though I am not usually a proponent of DUI checkpoints, if you were stupid enough to be driving drunk near Westport on St Patrick's Day, you deserve to be arrested - and made fun of. Enjoy your thousands of dollars in fines and fees!

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